Sunday, 24 January 2010

KD's weekly update no1

So, two commissions finished and two more items flogged on eBay - that's more than Van Gogh ever sold in a lifetime, to paraphrase Fawlty Towers. Mind you, I imagine his little daubs cost more than a modest £3 (for a brooch) or £5 (for a snood)...

KD is currently working on building up stock and designing new accessories, largely undertaken on the bus and my comfy broken sofa. I've got a cute idea for rings, but my accessories are a little girly at the mo (being knitted I suppose that's an occupational hazard), so I could do with some inspiration for some more guy orientated pieces, other than your standard hats, gloves and scarves - ideas 0n a postcard, anyone? Well, maybe not a postcard, it'll never bloody get here; good old email will do (see right panel for address).

Anyway, here's my snood/hat for now...



Friday, 22 January 2010


And if knitted slipper socks don't float your boat, here are just a few of the other items on sale at the mo...

Clackety-clack... First commission underway!

Well, this is the first outing in cyberspace for the Knitted Duck (apart from a Facebook group, but KD didn't get involved with that) - what to say? For now, just that KD is knitting furiously away on a pair of commissioned slipper socks with an intarsia heart - somehow, intarsia is so much more fun to design than to do. All that squared paper and colouring in makes me feel like a 7 year old again... Anyway, pictures will be up when I've finished them, so watch this space - and meanwhile, get in touch at if you have any ideas for commissions of your own! KDx

P.S. And here's a photo of the slipper socks in progress..